5 Tips for Succeeding With Instagram

  1. Be the expert in your passion

Building following on Instagram may require a lot of work and can take time. If you want to be big on Instagram, you need to find your niche. Successful Instagram accounts usually stick to one or two themes and post only content related to it or them. Find an interest you are an expert in and have passion for, and focus on it. Then it becomes more fun to keep the account active. An example of an account that has become big with the help of a theme is Yoga girl. She only focuses on inspiring her followers with yoga and a healthy lifestyle.

2. That extra effort

Do you wonder how the greatest Instagram accounts can have such nice pictures? They are not photographed with mobile phones. They are photographed with professional cameras and use only high-quality images. At the beginning remember to hashtag your pictures to help them spread.

3. Get to know your followers

When you know who your followers are, you know what your followers want. Think about what they want to see and how they will respond to what you post. Also, keep in mind when your followers are active. Then you’ll reach the followers just at the right time and the chances that they will see your posts will be higher. Respond quickly to comments and comment on other people's accounts. You will be able to see more and more.

4. Make a plan

What is the purpose of your photos? Do you want to sell, market to, or inspire others? Make a plan for what content to post. Vary the posts, but keep a boundary for the text and pictures. The feeling of the account should be felt well throughout. Use the Preview app to see how your account looks before you publish. Publish at least once or twice every day. But there is no point in spamming posts. Each post must, of course, be relevant and of high quality.

5. Use the statistics

Do not underestimate the statistics. Use Instagram statistics tools that help you see which posts have worked best. Think about why those posts worked well. Was it the time you posted or was it the picture? Analyze your followers to give them the best experience on your Instagram account so that they want to come back and keep following you.
